chemical & solvent solutions
Flow meters play a crucial role in measuring coolant flow, whether concentrated or diluted, particularly in systems using ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. These flow meters are designed to handle the specific properties of these coolants, ensuring accurate and reliable measurements under various conditions. Their robust construction and compatibility with both concentrated and diluted forms between make them versatile tools in cooling systems.
By providing precise flow data, these meters help maintain optimal coolant levels, ensuring efficient heat transfer and preventing equipment overheating. The ability to accurately monitor and control coolant flow is essential for the performance and longevity of machinery in automotive, industrial, and HVAC applications. With their proven reliability and adaptability, flow meters are indispensable for managing coolant systems effectively.
Can't quite find what you're looking for? Let us work with you.
Chat to our team of applications engineers to see how we can design and adapt our flow measurement equipment to meet your requirements.
As a manufacturer, we have a long history of working closely with system designers and OEM's alike to develop custom flow measurement equipment to cater to a wide range of applciations.